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SURVIVAL POLISH (for travel)

Directions (Pytanie o drogę) 1

The audio files are in MP3 format, and will open in whichever software you use to play MP3 files.

Where's the nearest supermarket?
Gdzie jest najbliższy supermarket? click to listen to the Polish sentence

Is there a bank around here?
Czy w pobliżu jest bank? click to listen to the Polish sentence

Is it far from here?
Czy to jest daleko stąd? click to listen to the Polish sentence

How do I get to the cathedral?
Jak mogę się dostać do katedry? click to listen to the Polish sentence

I'm looking for this street.
Szukam tej ulicy. click to listen to the Polish sentence

Can I walk there?
Czy mogę tam dojść na piechotę? click to listen to the Polish sentence

Too far to walk.
Za daleko, żeby tam dojść na piechotę. click to listen to the Polish sentence

It's two blocks from here.
To jest dwie ulice stąd. click to listen to the Polish sentence

Turn left at the next street.
Skręć w lewo na następnej ulicy. (informal) click to listen to the Polish sentence
Niech Pan/Pani skręci w lewo na następnej ulicy. (polite)
click to listen to the Polish sentence

Turn right at the traffic lights.
Skręć w prawo na światłach. (informal) click to listen to the Polish sentence
Niech Pan/Pani skręci w prawo na światłach. (polite)
click to listen to the Polish sentence

The restaurant is on the corner.
Restauracja jest na rogu. click to listen to the Polish sentence

The hotel is next to the bank.
Hotel jest obok banku. click to listen to the Polish sentence

The store is in front of the hotel.
Sklep jest naprzeciwko hotelu. click to listen to the Polish sentence

It's very close.
Jest bardzo blisko. click to listen to the Polish sentence

It's far.
Jest daleko. click to listen to the Polish sentence

The museum is behind the post office.
Muzeum jest za pocztą. click to listen to the Polish sentence

Go this way.
Idź tędy. (informal) click to listen to the Polish sentence
Niech Pani/Pani idzie tędy. (polite)
click to listen to the Polish sentence

The zoo is one hour by car.
Zoo jest godzinę jazdy samochodem. click to listen to the Polish sentence

Downtown is a twenty minute walk from here.
Centrum jest dwadzieścia minut na piechotę stąd. click to listen to the Polish sentence

The metro station is that way.
Stacja metra jest w tym kierunku. click to listen to the Polish sentence

Get off at the third station.
Wysiądź na trzeciej stacji. (informal) click to listen to the Polish sentence
Niech Pan/Pani wysiądzie na trzeciej stacji. (polite)
click to listen to the Polish sentence

Keep going straight until the intersection.
Idź prosto aż do skrzyżowania. (informal) click to listen to the Polish sentence
Niech Pan/Pani idzie prosto aż do skrzyżowania. (polite)
click to listen to the Polish sentence




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