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Train/Bus (Pociąg/Autobus) 1

The audio files are in MP3 format, and will open in whichever software you use to play MP3 files.

Where can I buy a ticket to Cracow?
Gdzie mogę kupić bilet do Krakowa? click to listen to the Polish sentence

Where's the ticket window/office?
Gdzie jest kasa? click to listen to the Polish sentence

Where's the "arrivals" timetable?
Gdzie jest rozkład jazdy z przyjazdami? click to listen to the Polish sentence

Where's the "departures" timetable?
Gdzie jest rozkład jazdy z odjazdami? click to listen to the Polish sentence

One 1st-class ticket to Berlin, please.
Poproszę bilet w pierwszej klasie do Berlina. click to listen to the Polish sentence

A 2nd-class ticket in a non-smoking compartment, please.
Poproszę bilet w drugiej klasie w przedziale dla niepalących. click to listen to the Polish sentence

One student ticket to Sopot, please.
Poproszę bilet studencki do Sopotu. click to listen to the Polish sentence

I would like a window seat.
Chciałbym (m.) /Chciałabym (f.) miejsce przy oknie. click to listen to the Polish sentence

Can I pay with a credit card?
Czy mogę płacić kartą kredytową? click to listen to the Polish sentence

How long does the trip take?
Jak długo trwa podróż? click to listen to the Polish sentence

Where is platform 2?
Gdzie jest peron numer 2. click to listen to the Polish sentence

This is my seat.
To moje miejsce. click to listen to the Polish sentence

What time does the next bus to Gdańsk leave?
O której odjeżdża następny autobus do Gdańska? click to listen to the Polish sentence

What time does the last bus to Gdańsk leave?
O której odjeżdża ostatni autobus do Gdańska? click to listen to the Polish sentence

Which bus goes to ...?
Który autobus jedzie do ... ? click to listen to the Polish sentence

You don't have any cheaper tickets?
Nie ma tańszych biletów? click to listen to the Polish sentence

Does this seat recline?
Czy to siedzenie się rozkłada? click to listen to the Polish sentence

Why is it taking so long?
Dlaczego to tak długo trwa? click to listen to the Polish sentence

Do I have to change buses?
Czy muszę zmieniać autobusy? click to listen to the Polish sentence

Does this bus stop in Kazimierz Dolny?
Czy ten autobus zatrzymuje się w Kazimierzu Dolnym? click to listen to the Polish sentence

What time does it get to...
O której godzinie jest w... click to listen to the Polish sentence

Is there a toilet/restroom on the bus?
Czy w autobusie jest toaleta? click to listen to the Polish sentence

Is there air-conditioning?
Czy jest klimatyzacja? click to listen to the Polish sentence

Do I get off here?
Czy tutaj wysiadam? click to listen to the Polish sentence




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